Keeping Track

The whole point of even going to the gym is to complete some sort of mission, a goal…a finish line (which then becomes the new starting line).  You have this need burning inside you for a while, usually a long while, before you start making yourself get to the gym.  The need is probably a desire to become more fit, thinner, sexier, stronger or anything other than making yourself taller or shorter.  How do you get there?

There are a lot of variables when it comes to reaching goals that relate to the gym.  More likely than not, you are the cause of all of them.  I know first hand.  I would “try” to get to the gym and I won’t lie, I made it there a lot more than I ever actually thought I would.  You have to weigh those variables and sort them out in order to make the whole thing work. 

This discussion is simply to address one of them.  Keeping Track.  I mean, actually writing down your daily actions at the gym.  This will help in a couple of different ways.  

1.) You will have a daily benchmark that you can refer to during your next visit.  This benchmark gives you something to beat.  It gives you a starting point so that you know you should at least try to stay beyond it.  

2.) You will have actual data that you can LOOK BACK to in order to remember where you came from.  It will be a reminder of the hard work that you have suffered and a verification that you can do it again and again. 

I suggest that you find a decently bound notebook that can withstand a few drops of sweat as well as a few drops of the gym bag so that you can get started on logging all of those intense encounters with the gym.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve been working out for ages or you actually are going to start tomorrow.  This little momentum builder can be inserted at any point in the journey.


Good Luck!!