

“Achievement isn’t your problem, alignment is.” – Brendon Burchard, High Performance Habits

He talks about the fact that just because you are good at getting things done and people continue to put things on your plate, as a result, doesn’t mean that you have to take them all on. Keep the “main thing” the main thing until you are satisfied with the results. 

You might be a High Achiever today but chances are that you won’t be able to maintain long-term in the effort to becoming a High Performer unless changes are made.

I struggle with this a lot and I always have. I don’t know everything, and I’ll admit that readily, but I do have the ability to get a lot of diverse tasks completed. I sometimes call myself a carpenter, I am decent with computers, I can do most automotive work, I enjoy working out and learning about nutrition and I have a degree in Construction Management…People have always sort of gravitated toward me to either find an answer or pass a task off to me and I would either help or take on the task as if it were my own. 

The problem is that I would take on too many things and almost all of the them would unnecessarily suffer because I would be spread too thin. I am learning now to place more emphasis on certain things. Chip Gaines said that he realized that he could do two things really well at any given time, but if he added a third they would all suffer. I think about this everyday and I try to use it subconsciously. 

It’s absolutely ok to ask for help and literally the first step is to admit that things aren’t aligned like they should be. One place I needed help was in my health. I was on a downward spiral like path leading to somewhere nobody wants to be. On the outside I probably looked OK…the inside was a completely different story. I was introduced to Isagenix and Will-Poweredand now I am on a rocket that has no intention altering or stopping. I love it.