
You are the only You

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” – Dale Carnegie 

Try to listen instead of talk. 

So much of today’s world is filled by a “mirror”. We spend so much time trying to shape ourselves to seem like the person that others might want to be around. Just be you.

“You are the only you. That means you don’t lose roles to anybody else. There’s no competition, so they either want you or they don’t want you, and it’s not that they wanted someone else over you.” – Rachel Brosnahan

It doesn’t take a lot to be you. It’s takes a lot more effort, actually, to be someone else or to try to “mirror” someone else. What’s important is that you find what you want, who you want to be, and you go for it! The right people will want you to be around. Besides…wouldn’t you rather be around people who want YOU around? Everyone has their talents, as I always say. So use them wisely and your star ⭐️ will eventually shine brighter than anyone around you. 
