
How One Dad Got His Body Back!

This is an article that was written by Isagenix in November 2018 in reference to my recent transformation efforts! I have been very blessed by their products and the changes they have allowed me to make in my life. Please give it a read and let me know if it has inspired you to make similar changes in your life!

By: Michelle Oeltjen-Grabenstein

Meet Adam. Before joining Isagenix, he was running his family’s 70-year-old towing company, convenience store, and gas station – all of which operates 24/7. Working 80- to 100-hour workweeks was burning him out, leaving him little energy to spend with his wife and two small children. And even though some nights he only got a few hours of sleep, he would still make time to go to the gym at 4:30 a.m. because he felt working out was more important than sleeping.

Adam Currie Success Story

“I was often very short with my family. I would come home, crash on the couch, and barely have the energy to carry on a conversation,” Adam said.

Being on the go all the time, the only way he knew to fuel his body was to eat fast food. Late-night service call? Two cheeseburgers to go! At least this was how he used to eat. Until his wife introduced him to Isagenix.

“She came home one day and said that she and her mother were going to start this new 30-day program through their gym and that they’d get a better deal overall if they had a third person to sign up.”

Although he’s not normally one to try this sort of thing, Adam felt something was different about Isagenix and decided to give it a shot, which paid off.

“I felt like I was asking for a lot when I got started. I had been stuck at a certain weight for a few years, and I couldn’t seem to lose weight or gain lean muscle no matter what I changed. In the beginning, I was interested in gaining some energy and maybe losing a few pounds of fat. I wouldn’t have been upset if I could see my six-pack again, too. I wasn’t exactly comfortable in my skin before Isagenix. I would always need to have my shirt on, especially if I was going to be sitting down,” Adam explained. “This is not the case anymore!”

Get to Know Adam

We asked Adam a few questions about his Isagenix journey, and here’s what he had to say:

Isagenix: What’s your best advice for someone who is getting started with Isagenix for the very first time?

Adam: Trust the process, and always continue learning. Listen to your sponsor/coach, and follow the system to the best of your ability. Realize that a lot of time and effort has gone into the development of these products and systems. Join the IsaBody Challenge® and its Facebook group right away to help keep you motivated and on track.

I: What is your favorite form of exercise? What does a week of workouts look like for you?

A: My favorite would probably be traditional weightlifting. My typical week of workouts consists of five days at the gym for weightlifting with at least one day of CrossFit. I get to the gym at 5 a.m. and try to keep my workouts to 60 minutes.

I: What is your morning routine/what do you do each morning that gets you ready for success and the day ahead? 

A: I typically wake up at 4:20 a.m. and start my day with a tall glass of water. Then I start my pre-workout routine to prep for my 5 a.m. workout. I mix up a shake that consists of Isagenix Greens™, apple cider vinegar, and then AMPED™ Nitro. I also always start with a social media post on the area of my life I choose to intentionally focus on that day. These posts help inspire me and keep me motivated to continue pushing to be the best version of myself, which will hopefully inspire others.

I: What are your favorite Isagenix products and the products you can’t live without?

A: ALL OF THEM! No, it truly is difficult for me to pick a favorite product because I use so many of them. Ionix® Supreme and IsaLean® PRO Shake have probably been the biggest game changers for me. Ionix has tremendously helped me deal with anything life throws at me. I often have Ionix twice a day — sometimes three times if I am having a particularly tough day. IsaLean PRO has been a lifesaver to get my body amazing nutrition so quickly. Time is absolutely of the essence in my line of work, so these little packets are essential.

The e+™ energy shots have also helped me get through 20-hour days pulling out and towing cars. They keep my mind and senses sharp and energy level up.

I: In addition to your favorite Isagenix products, what foods are always in your kitchen to help you stay on track with your health and wellness goals?

A: Oatmeal, steel-cut oats, nut butters, Kamut Puffs, coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, Ezekiel bread, rice, vegetables, fruits, organic and homegrown meats, tuna, salmon, and eggs.

protein balls
I: Do you have any favorite healthy recipes?

A: My family loves the Isagenix protein balls for a quick nutrient-dense snack. We don’t often follow recipes. Typically, we cook a healthy starch with vegetables, protein, and a healthy fat. One of my favorite meals is salmon baked with salt, pepper, and garlic and drizzled with olive oil. Then we squeeze half a lemon over the salmon and place asparagus on top before baking it at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes. We like to eat this dish with a salad and a side of rice or quinoa.

I: What’s your best tip or hack for making living a healthy lifestyle easier?

A: Apparently, it takes 21 days to form a habit. That’s just another reason why the 30-Day System is a perfect way to get started on creating a healthy lifestyle. The best habit I developed in my first 30 days was my ability to turn away from food and circumstances that were going to hinder my transformation.

Take it one step at a time; slow consistent changes are ones that will last. Have a goal, and just decide that you will reach that goal knowing that consistent daily action will get you there. Block out the noise, put your head down, and go! Isagenix was an awesome start for me because it was a simple, easy-to-follow system with no thinking involved. It was a total system reset, which was a huge kick-start and confidence boost because the results were undeniable, both internally and externally.

I: What kept you going in moments you wanted to give up or slack off?

A: I’d had goals for 15 years to be bigger, faster, and stronger, but nothing was happening. I thought to myself, if I change nothing, nothing will change. So, I decided to change. I trusted a product I would have probably never tried before, because I “didn’t need it,” but I did need something because what I was doing wasn’t working. I also felt like the place I was in mentally and physically at 32 years old, when I started, was not at all where I aspired to be. I have two children, ages 2 and 4, and I wanted to show them every single day that if you put your mind to something and go for it, you can succeed, even when life knocks you down. This is my one shot, so I’m going to make it count.

I: What do you love most about being involved in the Isagenix community?

A: The like-minded people and the total commitment to no-compromise products. There are hundreds of thousands of people just like me out there who are willing to show me constant love and support. It’s just amazing when you have a team that stacked rooting for you.

I:  Any parting words you’d like to share? 

A: This company is truly amazing. I am so thankful and grateful it came into my life at the perfect time because I needed help and didn’t even know it. What I thought was a 30-day challenge has started remolding habits I practice today.

Inspired by Adam’s story? Try the incredible 16-week Challenge and discover how you can transform your life by visiting

More Inspirational Quotes

You are the only You

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” – Dale Carnegie 

Try to listen instead of talk. 

So much of today’s world is filled by a “mirror”. We spend so much time trying to shape ourselves to seem like the person that others might want to be around. Just be you.

“You are the only you. That means you don’t lose roles to anybody else. There’s no competition, so they either want you or they don’t want you, and it’s not that they wanted someone else over you.” – Rachel Brosnahan

It doesn’t take a lot to be you. It’s takes a lot more effort, actually, to be someone else or to try to “mirror” someone else. What’s important is that you find what you want, who you want to be, and you go for it! The right people will want you to be around. Besides…wouldn’t you rather be around people who want YOU around? Everyone has their talents, as I always say. So use them wisely and your star ⭐️ will eventually shine brighter than anyone around you. 


Your Competition

“Your competition is not other people but the time you kill, the ill will you create, the knowledge you neglect to learn, the connections you fail to build, the health you sacrifice along the path, your inability to generate ideas, the people around you who don’t support and love your efforts, and whatever god you curse for your bad luck.” – James Altucher

Your competition is YOU. Don’t continue down the path that keeps you following close behind the people you perceive to be your competitors. 🚶🏻‍♂️…

Find and jump onto your own path. Slow the excuses and jumpstart the ambition. Once you realize that you need to focus on your own choices and accomplishments you’ll also see that the changes that others are making don’t affect the changes that you are making. 

If you want to be at the top of YOUR game…focus on YOU.


“Achievement isn’t your problem, alignment is.” – Brendon Burchard, High Performance Habits

He talks about the fact that just because you are good at getting things done and people continue to put things on your plate, as a result, doesn’t mean that you have to take them all on. Keep the “main thing” the main thing until you are satisfied with the results. 

You might be a High Achiever today but chances are that you won’t be able to maintain long-term in the effort to becoming a High Performer unless changes are made.

I struggle with this a lot and I always have. I don’t know everything, and I’ll admit that readily, but I do have the ability to get a lot of diverse tasks completed. I sometimes call myself a carpenter, I am decent with computers, I can do most automotive work, I enjoy working out and learning about nutrition and I have a degree in Construction Management…People have always sort of gravitated toward me to either find an answer or pass a task off to me and I would either help or take on the task as if it were my own. 

The problem is that I would take on too many things and almost all of the them would unnecessarily suffer because I would be spread too thin. I am learning now to place more emphasis on certain things. Chip Gaines said that he realized that he could do two things really well at any given time, but if he added a third they would all suffer. I think about this everyday and I try to use it subconsciously. 

It’s absolutely ok to ask for help and literally the first step is to admit that things aren’t aligned like they should be. One place I needed help was in my health. I was on a downward spiral like path leading to somewhere nobody wants to be. On the outside I probably looked OK…the inside was a completely different story. I was introduced to Isagenix and Will-Poweredand now I am on a rocket that has no intention altering or stopping. I love it.